Our new book is live on Amazon!

Our new book is live on Amazon!

"The Riderflex Guide: Inspiring & Hiring."

The REVIEWS are coming in!

"The author's depth of experience and knowledge jumps off the pages right from the start. His management tips and guides have proven enormously valuable to my organization. This book provides practical real-world advice on work-life balance that makes sense and is easily applicable to anyone. A very straightforward read that always gets right to the heart of a slew of issues facing every business owner, CEO, or manager. So glad I downloaded this book!!! Read it now!"

Our book presents 85 of the most useful tips from an executive recruiter with more than 30 years of combined experience in management, executive-level leadership, and recruiting.

Congratulations to everyone associated with Recruiting Firm Riderflex. Shout-out to contributing authors; Scott Kegerreis, Kim Urban, Sabrina Walker, Brianna Derrera, Felicia Fann, and ghostwriter Sue Publicover.

Big THANK YOU to all the Riderflex Advisory Board Members: Taylor Kirkpatrick, Jo Stone, Charles E. Feldmann, Jeff White, Tom Regan, Jean-Paul O'Brien, Cliff Levin, Ray Gallo, Pattie Money, Mark Newhall, Chad Madlom, Anthony Mazlish and Scott Brogan.

We also greatly appreciate all the Riderflex Referral partners as you've been instrumental in building our business. You know who you are!

Finally, special recognition to my wife Kim Urban for putting up with me and assisting with the book. 4 years in the making, building content through the Riderflex Podcast. Listening to me record day and day out for all those years had to be driving you crazy. Another year of production, editing, and launch planning after that. Thank you, Kim. You are the love of my life!

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